Monthly Masterclass

The monthly masterclass is not a paint along or merely a demonstration. Each month, the particular techniques of a given subject are dissected and all the elements that go into a successful painting are fully explored.

In Person Workshops

Join me for a live workshop. Still the best way to gain interactive experience through a fully immersive in person workshop

Watercolor Atelier Program

Designed to encourage a consistent practice and develop strong habits to progress in watercolor and art. Join a small number of your peers on this journey that fosters communtiy interaction and artistic growth. A limited enrollment, 6 month program for all levels. .


Personal critiques are a great way to keep your work moving forward. Have you studied with me before or are you comfortable where you're working but need some direction? Let's have a discussion.

One on One Lesson

Looking to strengthen a particular skill? Struggling with a specific type of subject matter? Let's have a talk and figure out the best lesson for you specifically tailored to meet your individual needs.
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